Untold memories shall remain between us and only us because we enjoyed the moment,we shared it,we were there and there was no one else right there but just us and it shall remain in our memories for internity.Just a small silly thing you do can make him laugh,cry and sad,we girls try our best to makesure nothing hurts you but sometimes we can take it because we are the one's struggling to take care of your heart's when nobody does for us,i mean that you guys say that you will never hurt us but the true fact is you actually do but you just dont realize it,your used to it. I asked one of my fren 'why do men think they are so good to us,and everything that happens is our fault?',she answered 'bec they think that they are always right,they think that they are not hurting you by the words they say,fighting or arguing with us about small stuff that happens,they blame stuff on us,promise us that they will never hurt us but everytime they do bit-by-bit and we *suck up b****** keep it in our "fragile hearts" and till one day it will explode either to your loved one or a friend ! I agree with what she had to say,and denied by all of us we do all that stuff.And till this very day,we still love those who our's and it shall be forever for the best part of life to come with more suprises on its way for everyone ! ;)
We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.
사랑해 (sarang hae)> i love you :D |