it's because we will never grow apart from each other (:
and in that moment till today i swear we are infinite.
i didnt go to school today so didnt esther,joyce,derik and jia shen as we found out at noon
it started with going to school because i had a lunch and bazaar date with divi and kathy,called up fan and she pun going school we meet at school later then lepak at school forawhile. then they went tutti fruiti (jia shen,ivan,andrea and esther) was suppose to follow but was lazy and i couldnt be out long my mum didnt know i was in school :/ me and feroz walked up soon after talking to menon.
esther calls and ask reina wanna come my house,asked my mum immediate answer of yes ,damn :D jia shen,esther,andrea and ivan came my house first it was too hot (tutti fruitti was closed open at 5 bec of puasa -.- they makan-makan at carrefour and bought me food but i couldnt eat chicken yet so saved it for later(: ) so they chilled forawhile then we went to fan's house around 3 smtg ,reach her house watch tv immediately then fan made us orange juice+longan = awesome drink :D soon she made us watch ghost movie ,it wasnt that scary damn funny haha but jia shen keep screaming there buat everyone terkejut ! we all went comfy the entire time . suppose to go home at 5 tapi delay till 6.30 ,while delayed i started taking a pic with jia shen then it all started *camwhoring* we did all sorts of shit from in the house to planking on the roads and yes with the ghost *me* in 2 or 3 pics ,paksa me become on bec my hair long x.x but it was really fun catching up with them people (:
i love them people so much <3
and we wouldnt be perfect if one of us is missing (:
sent andrea chew home then went temple then buka puasa with kfc :D wakakaka